
Matcha Tea and Performance

As a musician and performer I am always searching for new ways to give myself an edge in rehearsals, study and concerts.  In the past two years I have been drinking Matcha tea before rehearsals and 90 minutes before each concerts.  It has been a great help in boosting energy and sharpening my ability to focus.  

What is Matcha?

Matcha is a green tea from Japan.  It is shade-grown to enhance the nutrients. After processing, the leaves are slowly ground into a fine powder.  The traditional way to make matcha is with hot water (175 degrees), in a bowl called a Chawan.  Then the matcha is vigorously whipped with a bamboo whisk called a Chasen.  

How does Matcha help performance?

There are two aspects of all tea that I believe are good for performance.  First is the caffeine.  The caffeine in matcha is less than a cup of coffee.  For me, it is just enough to wake me up and energize me without any of those bad caffeine side-effects.  The other is an amino acid called L-Theanine.  This amino acid crosses the blood/brain barrier and acts as a calming agent to the brain and nervous system, boosting alpha brain waves and enhancing my ability to focus during performances.  

For performance, why is Matcha better than other teas?

All teas from the Camellia Sinensis plant (all teas except herbal teas) have both caffeine and L-Theanine.  Most teas are prepared by steeping the leaves in water.  Because Matcha  is tea leaf powder, you are actually consuming the leaves when drinking.  Therefore you ingest a concentrated amount of L-Theanine and other nutrients.  

Where to get Matcha?

I have tried many brands of matcha and absolutely love DoMatcha.  Their tea has the best taste and they are very diligent about sourcing the tea from organic and chemical-free farms.  You can purchase DoMatcha at Whole Foods, Fairway stores, and at their website.

For more information:


Match’s Health Benefits

L-Theanine information